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News from the Leech Lake Reservation

Give to the Max Day is November 14, 2019

Cass Lake- Leech Lake Tribal College is gearing up for Give to the Max Day, November 14th. Give to the Max Day is one of Minnesota’s and LLTC's biggest days of online giving. Last year 5,400 nonprofits and educational institutions raised…

November is Native American Heritage Month

CASS LAKE – November marks not only election season and Thanksgiving, but also Native American Heritage Month. A celebration of all things Indigenous. Native American Heritage month has been a recurring monthly event in November since April…

LLBO Early Childhood holds Nanda-Gikendan Event

On a smoldering Thursday evening, the Nanda-gikendan event commenced at the Leech Lake Early Childhood facility in Cass Lake. This events purpose was to accentuate the Megwayaak Project and Farm to Early Care initiative and its…

The Ribbon Skirt: Part 1

Ribbon Skirts are not only a distinct fashion piece to the non-indigenous eye but are also a historical and traditional form of identity among native women. Skirts are worn not only in traditional ceremonies but now in political protests,…