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Community Announcements

LLBO Band Member Tax Rebate Info

The 2018 Tax Rebate for Leech Lake Band Members will be distributed on December 12th and 13th, 2018. The amount of this years rebate has been set at $250.00. Out of Country, Out of State, Out-State Checks and all other checks that were not…

MN Tribal Youth Gathering to be held July 27

All Native American youth, ages 14-24, are invited to participate in this first-ever state gathering focused on public leadership development. *** Youth Are Encouraged To Complete the Gen-I Challenge By June 30 Before Attending Gathering…

Summer Food Program begins June 11

The Leech Lake Early Childhood Program is once again participating in the Summer Food Service Program. The program begins on June 11th and runs through August 9th, 2018. Meals will be provided to all children ages 1-18 years old, free of…

Annual Kids Perch Jerk returns March 3, 2018

After a brief hiatus due to warm weather and poor ice conditions last year, the Kids Perch Jerk is returning for 2018. Please come out and join us on Saturday, March 3, 2018. Discussion held last year and finalized this winter will now…